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Month: August 2017

The Samoan Islands – A Short History

The Samoan Islands – A Short History

There are different theories about when the first inhabitants of the Samoan Islands arrived and where they came from. The oldest artifacts date back 3,000 years to about 1,000 BC. The first settlers arrived somewhere around this same time, leaving stone pyramids and star shaped mounds on the island of Upolu. Samoan legends maintain that the earliest settlers descended from the heavens. It is likely, however, that were of Austronesian origin and arrived in canoes. Samoa is often called the…

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The Islands of Samoa

The Islands of Samoa

The next destination at Island Profiles is Samoa. Located south of the equator, halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand, the beautiful Samoan Islands are split between the island nation of Samoa – formerly Western Samoa, and American Samoa, which is a territory of the USA. The two Samoas share a common language, culture and history, but have been governed separately since 1900. What is even more amazing about the two Samoas, is that the International Date Line separates them. Samoa…

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Grilled Meats, Old Wine and the National Cocktail – The Food and Drink of Cyprus

Grilled Meats, Old Wine and the National Cocktail – The Food and Drink of Cyprus

The continents of Europe, Asia and Africa are all within close reach of the island of Cyprus, located in the eastern Mediterranean. As one would expect, the cuisine and culture of the island draw from all three. The dominant influences, however, are Greek and Turkish. Many of the most popular dishes and beverages of Cyprus are nearly identical to, or are variations of the most popular Greek and Turkish fare. The flavors and aromas of cumin, coriander and mint characterize…

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Exploring the Island of Love – A Quick Tour of Cyprus

Exploring the Island of Love – A Quick Tour of Cyprus

The island of Cyprus is a mind boggling mixture of cultures. The Greek, Assyrian, Persian, Roman and Turkish cultures have all left an imprint on this beautiful and intriguing island. Its ancient history, dating back centuries, can be experienced in the ruins, ancient villages and medieval castles that dot the landscape. At the same time, one can experience all the luxuries and amenities of modern times. Since the financial crisis that shook the island in 2013, Cyprus has not only…

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Relics, Ruins and Riches – A Short History of Beautiful Cyprus

Relics, Ruins and Riches – A Short History of Beautiful Cyprus

The history of Cyprus can be traced back as far as 10,500 BC! This was the Stone Age! They could be off by about 1,000 years,  but archaeologists have discovered some of the oldest water wells in the world on Cyprus, which definitely proves that people have been there for a long, long time. The earliest known lasting settlements date from around 6,000 BC. Pottery fragments, burial sites and such, have been discovered belonging to this time period. Around 3,000…

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